Is Grit It?
Have you worked out the formula to success yet? According to the psychologist Angela Duckworth the secret to success has been put down to a combination of perseverance and passion towards long-term goals which she has termed as grit. Duckworth’s TED Talk has over 16 million views and explains the concept of grit in more […]
Forget Resolutions
Stick to goals this New Year instead! Rather than committing to a resolution that starts from the 1st January and is forgotten about by February (well in my case anyway), my suggestion is to focus your efforts on your goals for the New Year. According to Forbes, only 8% of people actually achieve their New […]
Book Review: How Would Love Respond?
Kurek Ashley has had a pretty remarkable life. Whilst working as a stuntman in a Hollywood block-buster film, he witnessed the death of his five friends in a helicopter crash. Unsure of why he survived, Kurek spiralled into depression and addiction, and became homeless. After a series of transformative events, Kurek had a breakthrough and […]