This two minute clip by Jason Headley, It’s Not About The Nail, makes me laugh every time!
It highlights the incredible importance of listening – really listening. That we shouldn’t just jump into solution mode during conversations no matter how obvious the answer may be… But rather, we should let people have the opportunity to talk and be heard. Something that many of us I am sure can relate to!
Like me, you have probably been in situations when all you want to do is vent. Yet all the person you are talking to wants to do is give you a solution to your problem, which is often the last thing you’re after…
Personally, I have been practising the art of the ‘golden silence’ in my coaching conversations. This is where I bite my tongue and let people speak for as long as possible without interruption. To be honest, this probably lasts until the pause becomes so long I have to break it and unleash some of the words busting to get out…
The intent behind the ‘golden silence’ is to encourage the other person to reach the outcome they want themselves, rather than being provided with a solution. For me, this has led to much more deeper and valuable conversations, which in the end means the other person gets what they are after – which is often just clarity.
So if you know anyone that may need a subtle hint in the art of listening, share this on… This clip really hones in on the skill of active listening – hopefully they listen this time!